Note: In order to work with a digital signature certificate, it is necessary firstly to link it with your computer and then to start the web browser.

Requirements to the digital signature certificate for working with the system

In order to work successfully with a digital signature certificate, the certificate should be issued by an accredited Certificate Authority (CA) and should meet certain requirements.
  1. Requirements to the Certificate Authority (CA)
    The certificate should be issued by an accredited CA.
  2. Requirements to login with a certificate
    Work with the system with a digital signature certificate Person from the digital signature certificate
    Organization Private person
    Order (Creating and signing applications for domain name registration)
    • Full name of the organization
    • UIC
    • Name of the legal representative
    • Full name of the person
    • EGN/ID
    Setup and DNSSEC, Process documents, Payment, Dispute
    • UIC
    • EGN/ID
    Management (creating the applications for changing and applications for canceling)
    • In Bulgaria: UIC of the organization
    • Outside Bulgaria: UIC and full name of the organization
    • In Bulgaria: EGN/ID of the person
    • Outside Bulgaria: ID and full name of the person
    Work of registrars and operators of registrars
    • Full name of the organization
    • UIC
    • Full name of the person
    • EGN/ID

Accredited Certificate Authorities

Acceptable are digital signature certificates issued by the following accredited Certificate Authorities:
B-TRUST   Service B-Trust of "BORICA" AD
InfoNotary   Service InfoNotary of "INFONOTARY" PLC
StampIT   Service StampIT of "Information Services" JSC
Evrotrust   Service Evrotrust of "Evrotrust Technologies" AD
Sep   Service eSign of "System for Electronic Payments Bulgaria/SEP Bulgaria" JSC
For the holders of digital signature certificates, issued by accredited certificate authorities (CAs) from all countries of the European Union, Register.BG Ltd. starts accepting documents, signed with digital signature certificates in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 910/2014.

Currently, in addition to the certificates issued by the CAs from the Republic of Bulgaria, in the registration system of Register.BG are experimentally on-line accepted documents, signed with the certificates of the following CAs:

The holders of certificates, issued by other CAs, can send their signed applications (for domain name registration and/or for change) by e-mail.

Settings for browser-independent online signing

  1. Online signing

  2. Browser Independent Signing Service (BISS) represents a program of BORICA AD (B-Trust) for browser-independent online signing in a web browser with a Qualified Electronic Signature (QES). BISS allows online signing, regardless of the used web browser and the operation system.

    In order to use BISS, it is necessary a pre-installation of the program on the computer where the signing will take place.

    Sources of BORICA AD (B-Trust)
    Instructions for BISS installation and setup
    Checking BISS
    Checking BISS via signing a file

  3. Download and installation of BISS

  4. Operating system Download of BISS from the web site of B-Trust
    MAC OS X
    Linux Ubuntu
    Important: Administrative rights are required on the computer to install BISS.

    Note: As of 03.07.2020 the system is compatible with the BISS program, version 2.22. The work with the system with version 2.16 and version 2.18 of BISS is no longer possible due to the expiration of the certificate of the BISS program in these versions (on 03.07.2020).

  5. Installation of the software for your digital signature certificate

  6. The software, which is necessary to work with your digital signature certificate, is provided by the Certificate Authority issued your certificate. The software includes chains of trust, a library for working with the smart card of the certificate, and more.

  7. Settings for working with BISS

  8. When starting BISS, the option "Choose signing API" should be selected in the settings. In the first attempt to use BISS, it is possible to select the source of the certificate. The PKCS11 option (signing with a digital signature certificate ) is selected and is indicated the path to the file (the library), necessary for working with the smart card. The file for working with the smart card is provided by the issuer of the certificate when installing the required software. The location of this file can be obtained from the issuer of the certificate.

  9. Checking the work with BISS

    To check the work with BISS:
  10. Settings of the web browser for working with a digital signature certificate

    The digital signature certificate should be available in the web browser.
    For Mozilla Firefox web browser:
    1. Fill in about:preferences in the address bar of the web browser and press the Enter key of the keyboard.
    2. Choose the "Advanced" menu, the "Certificates" tab from the loaded page.
    3. Press the "View Certificates" button.
    4. The data of your digital signature certificate should be available in the "Your Certificates" tab.

    In order to work with a digital signature certificate, it is necessary firstly to link it with your computer and then to start the web browser.

Requirements to sign documents with a certificate

  1. Signing documents with a certificate
    Certificate signing method (qualified electronic signature) Signing software Document type Receiving the signed document in the registry
    Online by the registrant The registry's system Application, created by the system and not modified Automatically with the signing
    Offline by the registrant External software, provided by a CA.
    The signing should be attached, detached or embedded (full scope).
    Note: There is software, provided by CA, that performs partial scope signing of files. The registry does not accept such partially signed files.
    Application, created by the system and not modified - From the "Process documents" menu
    - Via an e-mail
    Other document Via an e-mail
  2. Requirements to the certificate with which the registrant signs application forms.
    Registrant Certificate person Requirements
    Private person Private person It is required the EGN/ID of the registrant to match with the EGN/ID of the holder or the EGN/ID of the author.
    Organization It is required the EGN/ID of the registrant to match with the EGN/ID of the author.
    Organization Private person This case is not allowed. The certificate should be issued to an organization.
    Organization It is required the UIC of the registrant to match with the UIC of the holder.